1. 新鮮香菇+鮑魚菇(我比較喜歡不同的口感) 大約4-5朵切小丁
2. 番茄一顆切小丁
3. 洋蔥半顆切小丁+大蒜切碎
4. 怕材料不够還把冷凍的青豆+紅蘿蔔拿出來充數
5. 白酒酌量
6. 高湯一罐
7. 調味料: 鹽+胡椒+意式混合香料粉
9. RISOTTO飯1.5杯(我是買真的RISOTTO米來煮的喔!)
我是有參考我最愛的Jamie Oliver的食譜   <==== 就是他
1. 先用另一個鍋子加熱高湯,小火微熱不滾
2. 另起一鍋,用橄欖油炒大蒜+洋蔥到透明後+米(我沒用奶油,健康取向)
3. 炒一炒讓米都沾到油之後+白酒(我沒像Jamie那麼高級的白酒,家裡有的隨便加) 然後讓酒精揮發掉
4. 開始慢慢加高湯(我在此時就把高湯離火不再加熱了),一次一杓,讓米慢慢吸收高湯,要不時攪拌
5. 差不多剩下一兩杓高湯的量的時候我將所有蔬菜加入,讓他稍微煮軟,再慢慢加高湯,同時也可以加調味料
6. 試試看味道OK嗎?然後離火+CHEESE‧Jamie的食譜是加butter and Parmesan,我覺得太肥,只有加一般焗烤用的CHEESE一些些,味道當然不會那麼濃,但是比較不肥
7. 最後灑上一些些意式綜合香料粉,沒有就算了
下面是Jamie Oliver的原始Risotto食譜
stage 1
Heat the stock. In a separate pan heat the olive oil and butter, add the onions, garlic and celery, and fry very slowly for about 15 minutes without colouring. When the vegetables have softened, add the rice and turn up the heat.

stage 2
The rice will now begin to lightly fry, so keep stirring it. After a minute it will look slightly translucent. Add the vermouth or wine and keep stirring — it will smell fantastic. Any harsh alcohol flavours will evaporate and leave the rice with a tasty essence.

stage 3
Once the vermouth or wine has cooked into the rice, add your first ladle of hot stock and a good pinch of salt. Turn down the heat to a simmer so the rice doesn’t cook too quickly on the outside. Keep adding ladlefuls of stock, stirring and almost massaging the creamy starch out of the rice, allowing each ladleful to be absorbed before adding the next. This will take around 15 minutes. Taste the rice — is it cooked? Carry on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a slight bite. Don’t forget to check the seasoning carefully. If you run out of stock before the rice is cooked, add some boiling water.

stage 4
Remove from the heat and add the butter and Parmesan. Stir well. Place a lid on the pan and allow to sit for 2 minutes. This is the most important part of making the perfect risotto, as this is when it becomes outrageously creamy and oozy like it should be. Eat it as soon as possible, while the risotto retains its beautiful texture.


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